Monday, December 30, 2013


     I was thinking, you guys don't know much about me and I think we should change that. Don't get too excited, I'm not spilling my juiciest secrets. But I will let you in on a few fun facts !

1. I often find myself taking serious-faced selfies. I think it's because I can be so goofy in my day to
2. I LOVE edamame and can never not ( double negative on ya' ) order it if it's on the menu.
3. I participated in the Mock U.N. ( United Nations ) in New York via my church when I was 12.
4. That ( see previus fun fact ) was also my first trip anywhere without my parents.
5. I was super nervous before giving birth because I was told that people with lower back tattoos
    ( yeah, yeah, yeah ... I know what other name they're called ) could not receive epidurals.
6. Per random fact # 5, I have a lower back tattoo.
7. I haven't had a manicure or pedicure since the summer months :-/.
8. I LOVE most shows that come on BRAVO TV.
9. I'm addicted to Instagram but am over most other forms of social media.
10. The bigger my hair, the better! It gives me life!

11. I am surely the world's worst procrastinator.
12. My parents are both from South Carolina.
13. I j'adore all things decor.
14. My hair is natural
15. I got married when I was 27 years old.
16. I may enjoy some of the shows on the Disney Channel more than Avery.
17. I HATE drinking water. I do it. But I do not like it.
18. I was in many a dance class and dance program all throughout elementary school.
19. I had my hair cut into it's current style on my birthday back in June.
20. I eat oatmeal for breakfast on most mornings, if I'm not eating something horrible like french
      toast :-) .

21. I have two siblings. A sister and a brother.
22. I LOVE drinking milk with everything.
23. I am not really big on keeping things for memories sake. A few things but not most.
24. I do not like doing the dishes. Not even to place them in the dishwasher.
25. I make the best vegetarian lasagna.
26. I always had my own room as a child but I also always slept in a twin bed.
27. I was really good at math until about the 10th grade in high school.
28. I can get in such good shape when I workout and eat right but I'm awful at staying motivated.
29. I have lived on my own ( not with my parents ) since I was 21 years old.
30. I love Frosted Flakes because "THEY'RE GRRREAT!" ... duh.

31. I breastfed Avery. I think breast if best ... if you're able.
32. Hubby and I love shopping at Costco. If you've never been, you're missing out.
33. We do not have juice in our house. We only drink milk and water when we're at home.
34. I really enjoy making mini cupcakes.
35. I learned to swim on my own at summer camp when I was about 9 or 10 even though my parents
      put us in swim classes when we were younger.
36. I usually only wear stud earrings and not anything that dangles.
37. I don't like regular yellow squash but I like spaghetti squash.
38. I grew up thinking that eating fried fish with grits for breakfast was the norm for everyone
      ( apparently it's a Southern thang' ).
39. I used to work for the The Ritz Carlton Hotel.
40. We had Avery's ear's pierced when she was 9 months old at her doctor's office.

41. I am the youngest child in my family.
42. Statement rings are my favorite piece of jewelry or "body decor" if you will.
43. I have never tried eyebrow threading.
44. I LOVE to shop at Target but I'm finding them more pricey these days.
45. I do not like trying on clothes before I buy them.
46. I used to eat Cinnabon's cinnamon rolls every other day until my brother-in-law told me how
      many calories were in them :-/
47. Jamaica has been my favorite place to travel to thus far. Puerto Rico is a very close second.
48. I don't eat that much beef anymore but I still love a good burger at times.
49. I had relaxed hair and a cute pixie cut on my wedding day.

50. And last but not least, I absolutely LOVE blogging ! It's been such a great time and I can only
      hope you all feel that way too when reading what I write !

Catch you fancy cats later!
tanesia nerese

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